Memorabilia Info
date 1994
description freedom of expression bulletin from the Beeline. Note: Raw format, tilde codes not parsed.
size 754
filename freedom.txt
handle SPQR
Content-Type text/plain
category miscellaneous
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                      ~4³~0      Freedom of Expression     ~4³~0

    What can be said... this is America, and anything goes!  If someone is
vulgar, racist, bigoted, sexist, or just a plain jerk, remember that one of
the basic freedoms we enjoy is the right to be that way!
    If you are offended by someone, deal with it. There are many thousands
of rooms, some closed to those under 18 and some hidden. It is easy
to find a sheltered place to chat.
    If someone goes past the point of stating their mind and becomes abusive
for the sake of being abusive, then talk to Bee about the offender and he'll
try to help.

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